(浜田青陵 著「エジプト雑記」文藝春秋、昭和4年より)



横浜国立大学で教養教育科目「Arabic language and its culture」を受講する学生たちに聞きました。


Sport soccer, horse-riding
People & appearance strong muscle, people’s hair is perm, people have beard, a lot of people’s name is Muhanmado, Bedouins, Pharaons
Nature sea, deserts, sand, wadi, it’s too hot
Animal camels, horse
Resource oil, gold
Food lamb meat, Arabian sweets
Places Bhagdad, pyramids, the Nile, Dubai, Riyadh, Tigris, Euphrates
Science astronomia, medical, philosophy, mathematic, Arabian number
Religion big influence of religion, Koran, Mecca
Culture Arabian music, beautiful poem, 1001 nights tales, tourism, belly dance
Clothes turban
Products carpets
Problems terrorism, gender problems, women’s rights, Golan Heights

Culture Beard, henna, burqa, belly dance, Arabian nights, camel
Celebrity Zidane, Cleopatra, Mohamed, Pharaoh
Place Pyramid, Mecca, Baghdad, Mosque, Damask, desert, Alexandria
Food Sheep, mint tea, can’t eat porc, couscous, sweets and tea
Religion Islam, extremist, polygamy, Ramadan, praying, El-Eid, war with Israel

Sports Soccer, Falconry
Language Salam, Shukram
Food Shwarma, cous-cous
Climate Hot country, dry country
Religion Sharia law, koran, call to prayer, Eid, Ramadan, Islam, no pork, no alchohol allowed (depends on person), halal, shi’ite, sunni
Politics Terrorism, oil (resources), natural gas, war
Culture Man can have 2 more wives, women are weak, women hid their face, Sheikh, shisha, camales, bellydancing, Sultan, bedouin

Features Desert, camel, pyramid
Climate Hot
Natural resources Oil, fossil fluel
Society Male dominated society, woman who don’t have power, women are oppressed, war, smoking is common, sheesha
Food Kiri cheese
Clothes Turban, burhka
Religion Jewish, Muslims, no pork
Images from English media Terrorists, many Islamic extremists

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